Sunday 11 September 2011

Concept: Cheese - Mice

There has always been a link between cheese and mice, many of us can picture a mouse crawling through the holes of cheese as it was in many children related novels, comics and cartoons.

I wanted to do a little research to see how it all came about, and whether Mice even like cheese!

Mice DONT like cheese!

The long-held theory that mice are attracted to the smell of cheese has been debunked by a new study which reveals the rodents actually have a sweet tooth.
According to researchers from Manchester Metropolitan University mice prefer foods with a high sugar content.
For years popular belief has held that the best way to catch a mouse is to entice it into a trap with a tasty chunk of cheese.
Millions of children have howled with laughter as they watched cartoon cat Tom try to ensnare arch-rival Jerry with a lump of cheddar.
But as part of a wider study into what foods attract and repel animals, researchers found that a mouse's diet is primarily made up of grains and fruit - both foods high in sugar - and would turn their noses up at something as strong in smell and rich in taste as cheese.
Dr David Holmes, an animal behaviourist from Manchester Metropolitan University, said: "Clearly the supposition of mice liking cheese is a popular premise.
"Mice have evolved almost entirely without cheese or anything resembling it.
"They respond to the smell, texture and taste of food and cheese is something that would not be available to them in their natural environment and therefore not something that they would respond to."
Nigel White of the Stilton Cheese Makers Association said: "Blue Stilton cheese has a very distinctive aroma and has a huge fan base across the world but mice are clearly not among that."

Mice and cheese 

Jerry doing his 'Thang'

You can buy wooden cheese as decoration for mice cages

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