Tuesday 16 August 2011

Concept: Dry Shampoo

Reasons I think Dry Shampoo is good:

- Saves time and effort
- Great at festivals
- Can fit in your handbag
- You don't have to wash your hair as often
- It smells good
- It's easy to use
- Great in emergency situations
- Adds volume
- Versatile
- Lasts a long time
- Can be used more than once in a day
- The smell isn't strong enough to choke you!


Facts about Dry Shampoo:

- Talc can be a good alternative
Powdered shampoos are designed to work without water
 They are typically based on powders such as starch, silca or talc, and are intended to physically absorb excess sebum from the hair before being brushed out
Those with dark hair may prefer to use brown powders such as cocoa or carob powder.
- Dry shampoo has been around for thousands of years 
- Dry shampoo doesn't clean your hair, it extracts moisture, so isn't as good as the usual wash
- Our ancestors used flour as a form of dry shampoo
- The original composition of shampoo contains extracts of oat, rice or corn - substances with high fat- absorbing ability.
- You can't use dry shampoo excessively, it will cause dryness and hair loss.
- It Helps to preserve color by skipping the shower water one more day


Words relating to Dry Shampoo:

- Time
- Powder
- Absorbs
- Moisture
- Dry
- Shampoo
- Wash
- Refresh
- Festival
- Volume


Opinions about Dry Shampoo:
Questions and answers posted on Yahoo Answers

" By using dry shampoo does it defeat the purpose of skipping a wash?"
Washing your hair makes your hair dry and brittle. But using dry shampoo just masks the grease i your hair. That's why it does not last as long as it would if you had actually washed your hair.
Also, dry shampoo is quite expensive, so an alternative is talcum powder. I used to wash my hair everyday, but now I just use talc once every two days between washes "

No, it does not defeat the purpose of skipping a wash. Actually shampooing your hair will remove all the dirt, buildup, product, etc. from your hair. Using dry shampoo will only absorb the oil and product from the hair to give the APPEARANCE of washed hair, so that your hair doesn't look greasy and smells better. Hope this helped!"


Images of Dry Shampoo:

One of the most common and most used dry shampoos

Theres a wide range of dry shampoos...

Before and after

The white powder which the shampoo leaves

Before - After

A cheap alternative, which can get messy!

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