Wednesday 17 August 2011

Activity: Trampolining - EXPERIENCE - Trampolining Class

I thought I would pay a visit to the leisure centre I used to do the trampolining classes at, to take part once again. At £7 an hour, it doesn't come cheap, and ideally you need 3 hours, as the amount of people who take part means you have little time actually on the bed. 

The address:

Beaumont Leys Leisure Centre,
Beaumont Leys

Wednesday 4.30-5.30pm & 5.30-6.30pm. Sundays open session 9.30, 10.30 and 11.30am

Attire: Clothing which can stretch (some positions need flexibility), bare feet when on trampoline, no jewellery (safety first)

Always take water, lots of it, and don't eat beforehand! Unless you want some serious stomach cramps.

At the class there are a range of people each of which are at different levels. There are two beds, two teachers. At least 10 people stand around each, to be 'seekers', their role is to keep an eye on the person on the bed, and if he/she stumbles, to be ready to prevent them falling from the trampoline. The trampolines are surrounded by padded mats, so if any falls or stumbles are made, there's a soft landing.

What happens:

- Each person will take it in turn to warm up, doing 20 pikes, tucks and straddles. This will take about 5 minutes.
- Your first time approaching the bed, a tutor will ask you to do a range of moves to see what level you are at. From here they can instruct and teach you new things in accordance to your level.
- Within the hour you will have approximately 20 minutes on the trampoline in 4 bits, with each, the tutor will keep pushing and attempt you to learn a new 'skill' within that hour and give you any assistance needed.

I'll be taking the class for at least two hours to get the best I can from the time.



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